Solve it 40-40÷4×4=?

Solve it 40-40÷4×4=?

Solve it 40-40÷4×4=?

Solve it 40-40÷4×4=?

1. PEMDAS (Order of Operations):

We’ll use PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right) to ensure we solve the expression correctly.

2. Division:

  • Following PEMDAS, we tackle the division first: 40 ÷ 4 = 10.

3. Multiplication:

  • Next, we perform the multiplication: 10 × 4 = 40.

4. Subtraction:

  • Finally, we perform the subtraction: 40 – 40 = 0.


Therefore, the answer to the expression 40-40÷4×4 is 0.

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