Canadian wildfires are causing the worst air in the US in cities like Chicago and Detroit

Yes, that is correct. The smoke from Canadian wildfires has been drifting into the United States, causing poor air quality in cities like Chicago and Detroit. 

The smoke is made up of tiny particles that can irritate the lungs and respiratory system, and it can also worsen existing health conditions such as asthma and heart disease. 

The air quality in Chicago was ranked as the worst in the world on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. The smoke from the wildfires was so thick that it obscured the sun and turned the sky a hazy orange color. 

The air quality in Detroit was also poor, and residents were advised to stay indoors if possible. 

The wildfires in Canada are being fueled by hot, dry weather and high winds. The fires have been burning for weeks, and they have destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses. 

The smoke from the fires is expected to continue to drift into the United States for several days, so residents in affected areas should be aware of the health risks and take precautions to protect themselves. 

Here are some tips for staying safe during periods of poor air quality: – Stay indoors as much as possible.

– If you must go outside, wear a mask that can filter out small particles. – Avoid strenuous activity.

– Monitor your health and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of respiratory distress.

He worries that people in other parts of the country who haven’t experienced days of bad air quality will think it’s not a big deal. “If they think the smoke’s not that bad, they should come up here and see it for themselves” Daley said.

You can check the air quality in your area by visiting the website of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA also has a website with information about how to protect yourself from poor air quality. 

You can check the air quality in your area by visiting the website of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA also has a website with information about how to protect yourself from poor air quality.