The difference between the place values of the two 6s in the number 536284916

The difference between the place values of the two 6s in the number 536284916 is:


The difference between the place values of the two 6s in the number 536284916 is:

A. 5099994
B. 5999940
C. 599994
D. 5999994

Answer: D. 5999994


In the number 536284916

The place value of highlighted 6 = 1 × 6 = 6

In the number 536284916

The place value of highlighted 6 = 1000000× 6 = 6000000

The difference between the place values of both the 6s = 6000000 – 6

The difference between the place values of both the 6s = 5999994

Hence, Option (4) is correct.

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