The difference between the place values of ‘4’ and ‘2’ in the number 833749502 is:___

The difference between the place values of ‘4’ and ‘2’ in the number 833749502 is:


The difference between the place values of ‘4’ and ‘2’ in the number 833749502 is:

A. 39998
B. 30098
C. 49998
D. 39098

Answer: A. 39998


The given number is 833749502

The place value of 4 = 4 × 10000 = 40000

⇒ 833749502

The place value of 2 = 2 × 1 = 2

⇒ 833749502

Therefore, The difference between the place values of ‘4’ and ‘2’

⇒ 40000 – 2


Hence, the correct answer is 39998.

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