X and Y start from the same point and run around a circular stadium, whose circumference is 2800 m, at the rate of 250 m and 350 m per minute respectively in the opposite direction. They will meet each other in?


X and Y start from the same point and run around a circular stadium, whose circumference is 2800 m, at the rate of 250 m and 350 m per minute respectively in the opposite direction. They will meet each other in?

A. 12/5 min
B. 11/3 min
C. 14/3 min
D. 18/5 min

Answer: C


Let X cover ‘x’ meters while he meets Y.


x / 250 = (2800 – x) / 350

x / 5 = (2800 – x) / 7

7x = 5 (2800 – x)

7x = 14,000 – 5x

x = 3500/3 m

Required time = 3500 / (3 * 250)

= 14/3 min.

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